
DAY 1 Speakers

On 28th October in ECU, Presenters are invited to respond to the following prompts and related topics:
1.1 Human geography, wayfinding, mapping
1.2 Pecha Kucha: Care and recovery 
1.3 & 1.4 Physical versus temporal space, digital publics

DAY 2 Speakers

Day 2 Topic: Public art, public space, domestic/public space
Projects enacted through the pandemic have shifted the focus on how meanings are created through the interactions between the artworks and their participants and how public arts projects work pedagogically to disrupt dominant discourses in/with public space. Private spaces have also increasingly become public changing the way the domestic space is configured, scrutinised, used and shared.

DAY 3 Speakers

Day 3 Topic: Feminist activism, resistance, social activism, policing and politics of space, environmental activism, public activism
The pandemic has seen artist and designers engaged in activism, as we saw the pandemic aggravate existing social inequalities—from the identification of essential workers through access to healthcare and childcare during lockdowns to domestic violence, and racism. Responses called for a political reconstitution of public art spaces to highlight the activist possibilities of artistic/design engagement. Feminist communitarian public pedagogy as a robust conceptual framework recognises that thriving requires interaction, iteration and integration.