Niklava Rubenis
Dr. Niklavs Rubenis is Senior Lecturer in Object Design, Coordinator of Design and Coordinator of Object + Furniture, School of Creative Arts and Media—University of Tasmania. He has interests focused on craft, design, ethics, and people. He has been involved with projects spanning community, non-profit, commercial, and cultural institutions, and has had work presented and exhibited nationally and internationally. Rubenis has a trade in cabinet making, a BA Visual Art (hons) and a PhD from the Australian National University. He currently serves on the board of the World Crafts Council—Australia; and is a member of the coordinating committee for Global Climate Change Week.
Field: Art
Institution: University of Tasmania
Conference Schedule
Feminist activism, resistance, social activism, policing and politics of space, environmental activism, public activism
Title of Paper
Building communities with People, Pets and Art: a pedagogical model of creative enterprise