Kathryn Seaton


Kathryn Blumke is a contemporary abstract painter and a Doctorate of Visual Arts candidate at the QCA. She also holds a MVA and a B. PHTY. Kathryn’s studio painting research investigates conversations of healing on a framework of the posthuman and through narratives of the vitality of materials. In these discussions, she draws upon Deleuze’s philosophical concept of affect. Her art has been short-listed for the following awards; Paddington Art Award, National Works on Paper Award, Fleurieu Art awards, Moreton Bay Art Awards, Redlands Art Awards, Stanthorpe Art Awards, Churchie Art awards.

Field: Art

Institution: Queensland College of Art

E-mail: kathryn.seaton@griffithuni.edu.au


Conference Schedule

Human geography, wayfinding, mapping, Physical versus temporal space, digital publics, galleries/museums

Title of Paper

Mapping healing geographies; walking in rhythms of togetherness along the Kedron Brook with Deleuze and butterflies